
The main goal of the RESISOR project, lead by the Regional Ministry of Equality and Social Policies (RMESP) of the Regional Government of Andalusia, is to improve the attention to citizenship in social services in Andalusia, simplifying management and integrating different information systems to allow the implementation of an Electronic Single Social Record.
RESISOR has developed an electronic platform that unifies criteria and systems and establish a single communication channel with citizenship to allow them to easily access, in real time, to their personal and social file.
On the other hand, the system allows th professionals of Social Services to make a rigorous monitoring, assessing in a better way possible incompatibilities, improving effectiveness and efficiency of processes,.
Isotrol has collaborated in RESISOR as an expert technological partner in information systems for public administrations and a systems provider for local entities. With more than 10 years of experience in the management of community Social Services, ISOTROL has participated in the project by integrating the ACIVIT platform, which currently processes more than 1.6 million claims and more than 350,000 social files in the field of entities local, contributing to the modernization of the management of Social Services and care for citizens.
The Regional Ministry of Equality and Social Policies of Andalusia (coordinator), Isotrol, Ayesa, Sopra, Sarquavitae, International University of Andalusia (UNIA)and the city council of Dos Hermanas.
Execution Period: 2015 – 2018
This project has received financing from the European Commision, through the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (EaSI Programme).