
The main objective of the STORE project has been to test and demonstrate new entry-level storage technologies in the sector, directly applicable to electrical power systems. Specifically, it has sought to manage the temporary imbalances between production and consumption (generation and demand) to optimize the cost chain and the efficiency of any process, generating more flexible and reliable networks that result in benefits and improvements in the quality of supply and operation of the electrical system.
The main technical challenge of STORE has been the validation of battery-based electrical energy storage technologies as a sufficient means to provide a high-quality electrical energy production and supply service in different scenarios.
Isotrol’s role has been focused on the development of communications, automation, modeling, system integration and battery monitoring.
The result obtained has been the confirmation that the electric energy storage technologies available on the market are appropriate to work with consumption peaks of 10MW, consisting of storing energy in off-peak hours to be discharged at peak demand, in the geographical environment of the Canary Islands, with very unique characteristics both in the production of electrical energy and in its consumption.
Endesa (leader), Isotrol, Unelco-Endesa, Telvent and Integeam.
Execution Period: 2009 – 2013
Funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) through the Technological Fund Program (2007-2013). Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI)